"The automatic watch is a marvel of engineering. Well built, they can last a lifetime or more. But SHOCKS, EXPOSURE TO WATER and MAGNETIC FIELDS all adversely affect your watch's performance. The watches that best protect against these forces will be the most durable, reliable and long lasting."
- Ashton Tracy,
British Horological Institute
The durability of SEAHOLM automatic watches is becoming legend. Our automatic watches survived a 10ft drop, or an estimated force of 15,000g’s, with NO deviation in accuracy; exceeding traditional standards for shock resistance by 400%. Crucial when you live in the extremes, but equally as important for everyday wear.
Why is it so important . . . !

Unlike a quartz watch that uses a battery and plastic, mechanical watches use micro-machined metal springs and gears to keep accurate time. Exposure to a magnetic force can cause precision metal parts to stick together and malfunction. Our movements protect against the extreme magnetism of MRI machines.
How do we do it . . . !

There is more to "water resistance" than most people are aware of. Due to pressure exerted from activity, watches tested to 200M under ISO 28810 are only suitable for bathing, shallow swimming and limited underwater activities. All SEAHOLM automatic watches are tested to the highest standard, ISO 6425...Diver's 200M.
If it doesn't say Diver's 200M, leave it on the boat.